Check out "Dot" (2012) commissioned and performed by Erin Royer! Inspired by the words of 20th century artist Paul Klee: A line is a dot that went for a walk. It is downright rhythmic madness! The performers are firing on all cylinders!
I wrote "Dance in Defiance" at the 2012 Altantic Music Festival at Colby College, Waterville Maine, USA. It starts with a deceiving sense of calm, before evolving into riotous rhythms near the end!
This one's a more personal composition of mine, written at a time when things weren't all "sunflowers, lollipops and rainbows", and yet despite it all I got through it. The result was "Alas, If I Forget You.." for Big Band. Its message: If you forget why you do things, then the things you do will be forgettable.
I was applying for a music scholarship in Year 11 which required me to perform a piece on piano. Back then performing made me really nervous, so my teacher recommended I write something to play instead. To my surprise I won the scholarship, with my composition "Autumn Oak" (2007)!
I've always envisioned "Autumn Oak" (2007) to be accompany a cartoon animation. If you know of any animators (or are one yourself), I'd love to hear from you!